Online show

I come through the screen to your home!


Online show

I come through the screen to your home!

The interactive online magic show for your virtual event

Online magic show – and that should work?

Yes, even better than I had hoped for myself. My viewers are always thrilled by the interactivity and the feeling of being part of the Show. This is perfect for a digital company party in the Corona era.

With the online program, I will infect you with amazement and laughter. In addition to the interactive online magic show, I will teach you a magic trick, which you can present to your loved ones under the Christmas tree at Christmas.

Arguments and formats for an online show

  • a shared team experience and a great way to give the team a nice appreciation – motivating, inspiring and interactive
  • through the digital livestream via zoom, teams, Skype and Co. I enter the virtual stage through your screen
  • connect with colleagues or customers worldwide and experience a magical online event together. Here, everyone sits in the first row and experiences interactive magic that inspires
  • suitable for the following online business events: the digital Christmas party, the virtual end-of-year event, the motivating New Year’s reception, the interactive kick-off event, the everyday online team meeting and many more.

The online shows:

  1. the interactive online magic show with me (Jean Olivier)
  2. the interactive online show with my stage partner, the magical robot “Robopolitan”, and me (Jean Olivier)


„Mit Ihren Showeinlagen haben Sie und Ihre liebenswerte Drohne Lilli unsere Gäste verzaubert. Ihre charmante Art und Ihr Witz haben zum großartigen Gelingen unserer Veranstaltung beigetragen und wir haben von unseren Gästen nur positives Feedback erhalten.“

- BIMATEC SORALUCE - Zerspanungstechnologie GmbH